Friday, December 13, 2019

Movie Madness Music Vol.10

Volume 10 is here! Download link and streaming options below.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Movie Madness Music Vol.9

Here's another volume of music for the incomparable Movie Madness Video Store! I've started uploading my mixes to Mixcould for people that just want to stream them and included a link to the files through MediaFire.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Movie Madness Music Vol.8

More classic themes and obscure deep cuts from film and television! You know, just in case you need 8 hours of background music to pick out a video next time you're at Movie Madness.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Movie Madness Music Vol. 7

Here's another volume of music for the Movie Madness video store. This might be one of my favorites so far!

DJ Gothic Romance

I've been DJing more romantically macabre soundtracks lately and figured this DJ handle fit more with what I was spinning. I love these old gothic romance covers. It's really a crime that there isn't an art book out on them yet!
Plus here are a couple horror related William Wilson flyers for good measure. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Movie Madness Music: Volumes 1-6

About a year ago I was asked to make soundtrack compilations for the legendary video store, Movie Madness, to play in their store while people browsed for rentals. If you're familiar with my horror soundtrack mixes (Written In Blood Vol.1-9) you might enjoy these as well. They cover all genres of film and tv music from the early '60s to the present, with a few choice trailer radio spots woven in for good measure. Here are the first 6 volumes! They requested I make 24... we'll see how far I get.